-- card: 18070 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 18339 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2080 -- name: In/OutŞ Demo -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=141 top=246 right=279 bottom=258 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 16 -- text size: 24 -- style flags: 256 -- line height: 32 -- part name: -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- In/Out -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- OVERVIEW In/Out™ - “The Electronic People Tracker” WHAT CAN IN/OUT DO FOR YOU? Are you tired of stalking the halls, wasting valuable time,trying to locate a fellow worker or discover if the company car is available? Have you ever paced outside of someone's office because you needed to speak with them the instant they came in? Have you had to wait ten minutes for the receptionist to get off the phone, just so you could tell her you're going to lunch? In/Out™ puts an end to these irritations. -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- FACT SHEET Category: People/Resource coordination, Productivity. Description: In/Out is an instantly accessible window that lets users locate fellow workers and check the availability of equipment and facilities. No more stalking the halls to find people, or putting a client on hold while you check to see if the company car is available. Users can check “in” or “out” through the In/Out window or by using In/Out Shortcuts that they create. Both the Shortcuts and the In/Out window are desk accessories opened through the Apple menu or with configurable hot keys. When checking “in” or “out”, users can leave comments to let others know when they’ll return. If someone pops into the office looking for them while they are “out”, the optional screen saver will display the comments and the returning time. The In/Out window can be displayed in either the Full Information view - showing returning time, notes and date and time last changed, or in the Names Only view - showing at a glance who’s “in” and who’s “out”. The “Notify Me” feature can be set to automatically inform the user when specific people or resources check “in” or “out”. User’s can create their own In/Out Shortcuts. This allows them to quickly check out for lunch (or for other common reasons) simply by opening In/Out Shortcuts and pressing the command key and the number of the Shortcut note they wish to use. In/Out can be configured to automatically check the user “in” or “out” when he starts up or shuts down the machine. Users can alter the hot keys, password, window display and sorting preferences. Documentation: The User manual, an easy-to-read booklet, shows users how to install In/Out and take advantage of its features. The Administrator manual shows how to organize users into workgroups and set up In/Out on the network. Support: Support is provided free to all registered users. The Support Department is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Central Time, Monday through Friday, at (515) 224-1995. Specifications: In/Out Server software version 1.0 will run on any Apple® Macintosh® Plus or greater, running Apple System 6.0.3 or higher. In/Out User software version 1.0 will run on any Macintosh 512KE or greater, running System 5.0 or higher. Authors: Don Brown and Tom Cavanaugh Target Markets: All AppleTalk networks using Macintoshes. Availability: In/Out is available in 5, 10 and 50 User Paks. Suggested retail prices: $199.95/5 User Pak, $299.95/10 User Pak and $999.95/50 User Pak In/Out is not copy-protected. It is available through dealers and distributors worldwide. All CE Software products are sold with satisfaction guaranteed or money back. In/Out is a trademark of CE Software, Inc. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.